By Authors Kay Maree, Aleisha Maree and A.L Simpson

Three Alpha Brothers.
An ultimatum which risks their prized Christmas dinner.
Three Innocent Women.
How do all the pieces fit together?
Some of you will love this book, some will hate it but, every reader will have an opinion. This is not a middle of the road, so/so book. This pushes relationship boundaries. It isn't touchy/feely. Three Alpha Brothers, Three Innocent Women and a hell of a lot of steam.
Do you like your reads hot?
Do you like something raw which isn't afraid to walk the line?
Do you like it Dirty?

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Hi my name is Kay Maree and I'm a wife, mother of 3 and I love to write Instant Love with twists and turns with a bit of suspense thrown in.
My debut novel is called Angel Mine and was released in early 2017.
I live in Newcastle, on the New South Wales coast of Australia with my husband and three beautiful children.
Between being a taxi for my children, and working full-time, I somehow find the time to write. It’s something I love with a passion and with the encouragement of my very supportive husband, I have accomplished one of my dreams – releasing my first novel.
I hope you fall in love with my characters as much as I have.
I love reading and getting lost in a good book when I manage to snatch five minutes to myself.
You can find Kay at:
Website - https://kaymareesmutlover.wixsite.com/contemporary-romance
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/KayMareeAuthor/
Aleisha Maree is a writer of contemporary romance with a dark erotic sexy side with a paranormal twist.
Aleisha also writes an MC Series with MMA flair.
She doesn’t let genre walls hold her back.
Aleisha is from a small village called Wakefield in the South Island of New Zealand.
She is a mum of 6 whom she loves more than breathing and she is married to the love of her life.
Aleisha invites you into her mind full of stories and on the journeys, they will take you on.
You can find Aleisha at:
Website - https://authoraleishamaree.wordpress.com/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100014261898146
I write Hot Contemporary Romance, M/M, Menage, BDSM and Shapeshifter under my pen name - A.L. Simpson.
I have panty melting m/f romance and c*** hardening m/m romance where they always experience adversity but eventually find their way to each other.
The lovin' is HOT and not for the faint hearted. I have a story where the men's coming together in Greece is actually true but we threw in some gun running, murder and drugs to make things a whole lot more interesting. (Destined to Shatter)
In my menage, a m/m/f the heroine refused to stay around so she dies a gut wrenching death leaving the men to cope with a new-born babe. Life got a whole lot more interesting for them. (Diamond Rainbow.)
My shapeshifter takes the form of an Eagle and is out to save the heroine from a drug cartel deep in the forest of South America. (When Eagles Soar)
The Born Series covers social issues and what it's like to be raised in an unsavory area. I explore the mindset of never being good enough.
The Broken Series has Broken Bastard out and Broken Bitch coming soon. These books are about people who are pushed until they break. Book 1 is a m/m. Book 2 is an MC and hopefully will be out late 2017 or early 2018.
Other books on offer have a mistreated, disfigured heroine, a strange cult, a disabled friend and so much more.
I hope you have the opportunity to check out my offerings.
You can find A.L at:
Website - https://alsimpson79.wordpress.com/
Blog: https://alandvixen.wordpress.com/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/alsimpsonauthor/
Or email alsimpson79@yahoo.com.au

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