TRUE, the final book in The Temptation Series by Ella Frank and the highly anticipated wedding between Logan Mitchell and Tate Morrison is available now!

True - adjective: That which is accurate or exact.
I dare you to try.
I think you’re my truth.
Terrify me.
Marry me.
Marry me.
Marry me...
Four years ago, Logan Mitchell walked into Tate’s life and challenged him to see it differently.
He dared Tate to try a kiss, when normally he wouldn’t have.
He begged him to take a chance, when he probably shouldn’t have.
But most importantly, he asked Tate to trust that he would love him, and he did. From that moment on, Tate realized exactly what his life had been missing—Logan.
Happily-ever-afters come in many different forms. But for Tate Morrison, there’s only one ending he wants. The one where the guy marries the guy and true love conquers all.
Now all he has to do is tell Logan.
Join Logan and Tate as they finally realize what the rest of us knew all along. That they belong together for better or worse—always.
The Temptation series was the very first M/M romance books that i had ever read and they made me fall in love with this Genre. From the first time meeting Logan and Tate i fell in love with these two characters. They have stayed in my heart and always will. This is a series that i have on Ebook, Paperback and Audio and yes it is that good.
"But that's what love's supposed to do sometimes, right? Hurt? It beats us around every now and then to make sure we're paying attention."
I "Popped My Cherry" and have never looked back. We have had some amazing highs and heartbreaking moments with this couple. I will not lie i was heart broken knowing this will be the final book. So when i got to the end it was very bitter/sweet. Ella Frank you made my day with the ending so it was never goodbye from Logan and Tate!!
"I swear I couldn't love you more than I do right now, and yet I know I will tomorrow."
True is sweet, hot, sexy, funny, romantic, so swoon worthy and brought me to tears. This read is very low on drama which i'm really glad about. It is about celebrating a wonderful couple who have battled the odds, dealt with their own demons, and come out on the other side. With the love and support of the family and friends that mean the most to both Logan and Tate. There really is so many moments with Will, Tate's father and Cole Logan's brother that this book really melted my heart.
"I will fight for you, For us. For everything we are and will become for all my days. And even when it's all through, when we go wherever it is we go after this, I will find you. I will always find you.
Throughout this journey with Logan and Tate we've had the privilege of seeing them develop a new sense of home and happiness. With this final novel we see them both getting closure on some things and dealing with issues that have plagued them from the past. I adored this book and i adore this whole series. Would HIGHLY recommend this series in its entirety Try, Take, Trust, Tease, Tate, True. Must be read in order.
So what are you waiting for I dare you to Try this Series!!!
"But that's what love's supposed to do sometimes, right? Hurt? It beats us around every now and then to make sure we're paying attention."
I "Popped My Cherry" and have never looked back. We have had some amazing highs and heartbreaking moments with this couple. I will not lie i was heart broken knowing this will be the final book. So when i got to the end it was very bitter/sweet. Ella Frank you made my day with the ending so it was never goodbye from Logan and Tate!!
"I swear I couldn't love you more than I do right now, and yet I know I will tomorrow."
True is sweet, hot, sexy, funny, romantic, so swoon worthy and brought me to tears. This read is very low on drama which i'm really glad about. It is about celebrating a wonderful couple who have battled the odds, dealt with their own demons, and come out on the other side. With the love and support of the family and friends that mean the most to both Logan and Tate. There really is so many moments with Will, Tate's father and Cole Logan's brother that this book really melted my heart.
"I will fight for you, For us. For everything we are and will become for all my days. And even when it's all through, when we go wherever it is we go after this, I will find you. I will always find you.
Throughout this journey with Logan and Tate we've had the privilege of seeing them develop a new sense of home and happiness. With this final novel we see them both getting closure on some things and dealing with issues that have plagued them from the past. I adored this book and i adore this whole series. Would HIGHLY recommend this series in its entirety Try, Take, Trust, Tease, Tate, True. Must be read in order.
So what are you waiting for I dare you to Try this Series!!!
LOVE. IT’S FUNNY how one four-letter word can bring on such an onslaught of emotions. Happiness, desire, anger, even fear, Tate Morrison thought, as he sat at the tiny table in the empty bar of the Lynley Winery and tried to calm his erratic heartbeat. It could make those who were the most honest with their emotions run scared, while at the same time bring forth a determination in the most unlikely of people.
That was something he had discovered ten minutes ago back in their suite when Logan had stood before him naked and uttered, “Just tell me how you want me, Tate. I’m yours.”
That was when he’d run.
Tate had practically tripped over his feet in his hurry to be free of the suddenly suffocating confines of that bathroom. And now, as he sat alone replaying Logan’s words, he stared down at the crumpled paper he’d grabbed from his wallet and studied the words in his shaking hands.
His stomach knotted, then flipped over on itself time and time again, and Tate willed himself to breathe. The last thing he needed was to pass out from a panic attack, but that was exactly what was happening. He was panicking. And the reason? The reason was as clear as day. He was the dumbest motherfucker on the planet. Yeah, he was.
Fucking hell. He’d heard that love made people do some stupid shit before, but this… God, what if I can’t fix this? What if Logan doesn’t want me like that anymore? The thought made him want to be sick. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to stop the room from spinning, but all that did was bring to mind Logan back in the bathroom, beautiful as always, looking at Tate for some kind of indication of what was running through his head. And what had Tate given him? Nothing. He’d just fled.
Damn it.
Tate shoved the piece of paper into his pocket, along with the pen he’d grabbed from the side table back in their suite, no longer able to look at it. What had he done to them? How had he let fear of the unknown possibly ruin this? And as the memories flooded him again…
I dare you to try.
I think you’re my truth.
Terrify me.
Marry me.
…he was more than aware that it was that one, the last one, that didn’t have the right ending. He’d really messed this up, but he could make it right and wanted to, more than he wanted his next breath.
He placed his head in his hands and shut his eyes, trying to gather some semblance of control so he could go back, find Logan, and do the one thing he realized he should’ve done all along. It wasn’t until he heard the sound of padded feet on the hardwood floor that he looked up to see that he didn’t need to go and find Logan, because he had tracked Tate down instead.
With the fire flickering behind him, the sharp angles of Logan’s cheeks and jaw only enhanced a face Tate loved more than he thought possible, and when Logan pulled out the chair opposite him and reached across the table to take his hands, Tate couldn’t believe it had taken his brain this long to catch up and get to where it now firmly was.
“Hey,” Logan said, his eyes roaming over Tate’s face, no doubt for signs, clues as to why he’d run away.
“Hey,” Tate replied, and then lowered his gaze to their hands, marveling over the strength he found there when they were joined.
Exactly…together, not apart. Always and forever, together.
“What are you doing out here?” Logan asked, and Tate swallowed as he felt Logan tighten his grip.
“I, uhh…”
“Tate?” Logan said before Tate could give any kind of response. “What are you doing out here?”
Tate withdrew his hand and ran it through his hair, and as Logan continued to watch him, he felt his nerves kick in. “Back there in the bathroom…” he started, and then stopped. As he thought over his words, Tate wondered if there was even a way to explain how badly he’d screwed this all up, but knew the only way he’d ever know was to try. “I had a thought. It was more of a moment, I guess. A flash of us. Of all we are and will be and— Shit, I sound crazy, don’t I?”
Logan’s eyes narrowed, but he shook his head. “You don’t sound crazy. But you are freaking me out a little. Were the things you were thinking good things, at least?”
Tate frowned and then shot Logan an apologetic look. The last thing Tate wanted was to worry him more—it was the exact opposite. “Yeah, of course. I should’ve probably started with that. Everything about you was good. Perfect, really, but me…”
“What about you? You’re pretty fucking perfect from where I’m sitting. And back there in that bathroom, trust me, you looked better than any of those naked statues on the wall.”
Tate tried for a smile but knew he didn’t quite pull it off when Logan asked, “What is it, Tate? Come on; you know you can tell me anything.”
Okay, this is it, Tate thought, as he swallowed and then shifted in his seat, glancing over at the fire for a moment to gather his nerve. Then he turned back to Logan and asked, “Am I too late?”
At Logan’s confused expression, Tate knew he didn’t understand what he was asking. So he reached into his pocket where he’d shoved the piece of paper, and then put it on the table. He smoothed his hand over it, lovingly tracing his fingers over the name he now wanted as his own, and then pushed it over in front of Logan.
As Logan stared down at it, Tate watched him read over the words on the paper, waiting for a reaction, and when Logan looked up, Tate asked again, “Am I too late?”
Logan blinked several times, and Tate held his breath, wondering if he was too late. But then something miraculous happened: Logan shook his head.
The blood rushing around Tate’s head made his ears ring as he tried to comprehend what Logan was telling him, but he still hadn’t said a word, so Tate pulled the pen from his pocket and leaned over to circle the name he hadn’t been able to stop looking at ever since he’d found the piece of paper.
As Logan looked down again, Tate saw a huge grin split his lips. “So what do you think? Can the world handle two Mr. Mitchells?”

Read Today!
(Free in Kindle Unlimited)
Amazon US: http://amzn.to/2BGfsty
Amazon Universal: http://mybook.to/TRUE
Add to GoodReads: http://bit.ly/2ApV7rB
Start the Series Today!
(Free in Kindle Unlimited)
Try (Temptation #1)
Amazon US: http://amzn.to/2ofZBK0
Amazon Universal: http://mybook.to/TryTemptation
Take (Temptation #2)
Amazon US: http://amzn.to/2pjBImm
Amazon Universal: http://mybook.to/TakeTempation
Trust (Temptation #3)
Amazon US: http://amzn.to/2pgcYOT
Amazon Universal: http://myBook.to/TrustTemptation
Tease (Temptation #4)
(Free in Kindle Unlimited)
Amazon US: http://amzn.to/2qTddg1
Amazon Universal: http://mybook.to/TeaseTempt
Tate (Temptation #5)
(Free in Kindle Unlimited)
Amazon US: http://amzn.to/2gU40UT
Amazon Universal: http://mybook.to/TateTemptation
About Ella Frank:
Ella Frank is the USA Today Bestselling author of the Temptation series, including Try, Take, and Trust. Her Exquisite series has been praised as “scorching hot!” and “enticingly sexy!”
A life-long fan of the romance genre, Ella writes contemporary and erotic fiction and lives with her husband in Portland, OR. You can reach her on the web at www.ellafrank.com and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ella.frank.author
Some of her favorite authors include Tiffany Reisz, Kresley Cole, Riley Hart, J.R. Ward, Erika Wilde, Gena Showalter, and Carly Philips.
Connect with Ella:
Join Ella’s Newsletter – www.bit.ly/1hEYtgn
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Twitter – @EllaFrank2012
Facebook - www.facebook.com/ella.frank.31
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