Book Title: Rescued From Paradise
Author: H J Perry
Publisher: LoveLight Press
Cover Artist: Resplendent Media
Genre/s: M/M Gay Contemporary Romance
Length: 58,000 words
Release Date: October 22
Two hot men. One deserted tropical island.
Carefree Adam Bennet comes from a long line of earthy people— gardeners, herbalists, hippies, and farmers. His grandmother taught him and his brothers to live off the land, to heal themselves, and above all, to trust their intuition about a person or situation.
Mr. Don’t-Touch-Me Wade O’Rourke wouldn’t dream of something so pedestrian as living off the land. His family is monied, and formal. Taking his place in his uncle’s company is the thing to do— never mind that he hates his life, and he has reasons to hate his uncle, too.
When Wade and Adam meet on an airplane they don’t quite hit it off. But they’re the only two survivors of a crash landing on an island paradise, they have to join forces to survive.
Will Adam take a chance on love with the seemingly straight man? Underneath Wade's business suit, which he once wore like armor against intimacy, is a hard body and a tender heart.
When love blossoms, can it survive the rescue and return to their American small town?
This full-length, standalone novel contains:
Tropical fruit too juicy to just eat.
A man damaged by his homophobic upbringing.
Steamy man on man love action and a happy ending.

The first thing Adam noticed upon waking was Wade wrapped around him again. He wouldn’t argue with an ideal and efficient way to keep warm, considering they hadn’t had a fire all of yesterday. It was comfortable and comforting.
The second thing he noted was that it had stopped raining.
A fact for which he was so very grateful. It rained so much the night before, they were both soaked, even though he’d managed to rearrange their roof leaves so that the rain didn’t leak through as much.
Adam didn’t move, staying huddled against Wade. Both arms pulled in as the other man covered him protectively. Wade’s breathing was deep and soft. As he watched Wade sleep, he took that time to really study Wade’s face. How the lines of concern that seemed so permanently etched on his face when he was awake vanished while he slept.
At first, Adam estimated Wade’s age at around thirty. Watching him sleep, Adam realized he could possibly be younger than that. It was hard to put an age on him. Judging from when Wade said he graduated, he was most likely only a few years older than Adam.
What worries weighed Wade down while he was awake?
It intrigued Adam, and he wanted to know.
Adam found a way to dislodge Wade’s arm without waking him and crawled out of their lean-to. After a full day hunched up and under shelter, he needed to stretch.
And what was yesterday’s almost-kiss about? It was obvious that Wade had wanted to. Adam wasn’t sure what stopped him. He remembered their conversation, of course. He didn’t spell it out, but Wade's family sounded like a bunch of old-fashioned, homophobic bigots. Perhaps that was part of the problem.
Ugh. No. Absolutely not. The last thing Adam needed were tangled, messy feelings for a straight man. And Wade had made it absolutely clear he was straight. Adam wasn't excited about going there.
He had to believe it was for the best. Keep as much distance emotionally as he could so things between them didn’t get complicated.
A small voice in Adam told him it might be too late, already.
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About the Author
HJ Perry is a 49 years old mother of three school aged children. They live by the English seaside and from her hometown she can see France. Helen loves reading. If it were possible, she'd do nothing else. She reads science fiction, fantasy, young adult, all types of LGBT fiction, and, of course, gay romance. Aside from reading she likes walking and watching films, most often science fiction or thrillers.
HJP has written many books about men falling in love in England where, for the most part, LGBT people are treated with the same respect as anyone else. Having worked in the construction industry for years in real life, she has written many fictional characters working in similar macho, male dominated environments.
Despite reading American books and watching American shows, writing American characters has been a huge challenge for her. With a lot of help, Rescued from Paradise is her first novel featuring Americans and set in the US.

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