Cover Reveal
The Runner’s Daughter By Jessica McCrory

Cover Reveal Date→ January 26th, 2018
Release Date→ February 15th, 2018
FBI agent Caid King has fought long and hard to end the corruption within his organization. After the fall of Clayton Matthews, he returns to New York with his head held high and his eye on the next target. He never could have imagined that the dangerous man he’s set his sights on would have ties to the beautiful blonde he found himself instantly drawn to.
Jemma Saige thought she had it all figured out. Her rules for survival were simple. Keep your head down, your bags packed, your running shoes on. But when she meets a man at her local gym, their attraction threatens to break the last and most important of those rules: don’t get tied down.
Now with Jemma’s secrets out in the open and both her and Caid’s lives on the line, can they find a way to work together? Or will Caid turn his back on the runner’s daughter?

Jemma stared out the window as Caid drove away. She couldn’t help but feel the added stress with each second he was gone. She looked down at the phone he had given her. He said he wouldn’t be able to answer for about two hours because his other was in his desk, but that he would text her when he got to work.
Then if she needed to hear his voice, she could call. The man who was watching the house seemed nice. He waved at Jemma from the driveway, and Jemma waved back. Caid said the agent was a good one, and wouldn’t enter the house unless he thought necessary.
That gave her a small comfort. She stepped away from the window and walked over to the bookshelf that held a few leisure books. She lifted a Nora Roberts from the collection, and took a seat on the couch.
She hadn’t even been sitting on that couch long enough to finish the first chapter when gunshots rang out, and Jemma’s heart began to pound. She ran to the window and saw the agent who had waved at her not minutes before lying face down in the driveway, while three armed men came for her.

You can add to your TBR here→

The first book in the series is available now on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited!
The Charitable Bastard→
Although both books stand by themselves, it is recommended you start with The Charitable Bastard. Available on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited!
Author Bio:
"I have always had a love of stories and the different worlds you are able to explore when you crack open the cover to a good book."
I was born in California and moved to Texas with my family when I was a teenager. I have always been an avid reader and have been writing stories since I was a kid! It has always been a dream of mine to have my stories published and it is beyond exciting to see that dream coming true!
I have a caffeine addiction, I am a wine (red!!) lover (my favorite being Crush by Dreaming Tree!) and I love T-shirts (the kind with the hilarious sayings on them). I am OBSESSED with the TV show Scrubs and I watch it constantly. I have an amazing husband who is more supportive than I could have ever hoped for, two sweet kiddos (who keep my life wonderfully eventful), three dogs, a rabbit, and most recently Hefty Smurf the beta fish.
Growing up, reading was my way to escape reality whether it was good or bad at the time and I want my stories to offer readers the same kind of adventure I have sought out in between the covers of a book.
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Signed Paperback pre-order is up on Jessica McCrory’s website! Pre-order before February 1st and you will receive a FREE Kindle version of The Runner’s Daughter prior to the release!
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