Thursday, 29 June 2017

Cover Reveal & Giveaway - Snatch, Cerberus MC Series Book 5 by Marie James

Cover Design: Essen~tial Designs
Release Date: July 13, 2017
Amazon AU ~ 


I’ve been Jaxon Donovan since the day I was born, obviously. My road name, Snatch, came years later due to my ability to literally snatch up any woman I set my sights on. I’ve always been a connoisseur of the opposite sex. Tall, short, thin, thick and juicy, my tastes knew no limitations. I didn’t think there was a limitation to my sexuality, and I found out just how true that actually was the night my best friend took it upon himself to take me in his mouth. Sure, there’d been close calls before, the slip of a hand or misplaced lips. With our propensity to share women, it’s bound to happen. That fateful night, I was met with pure intention and an experience I never want to forget. How do you explain to your friends, your brother’s in arms, that your extremely active sexuality has led you to your best friend’s door step? How do you admit, after twenty-six years of heterosexuality, that you’re into something else? I’ll soon find out that what happens in the dark will always come to light.  






One of Five ARC's for Snatch

About the Author

Marie James: I'm a full-time, working mother of two boys and wife of 13 years. I've spent almost my entire lifetime living in central Texas, with only short stays in South Carolina, Alabama, and Florida. I've always wanted to write novels and just recently had the gumption to sit down and start one. My passions include reading everything under the sun and plotting out new books to write in the future.

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