Author: M. Andrews
Genres: Romance
Publication Date: March 17th 2016
Rating: 5 Stars
At the age of five, Ryder Callahan knew without a shadow of doubt that Lucky Flanagan was his lucky Strike. But for twenty five years Lucky kept Ryder at arms length, not wanting to destroy the one stable relationship in her otherwise turbulent life.
In a moment of weakness the two acted on their feelings for one another. Only to have Lucky do what she does best when she can't deal with her emotions, she ran. Leaving Ryder completely broken hearted.
Now Lucky is back and ready to fight for the love of her life. Even if it means fighting herself.
"The only regret I have is that I let you go. I love you Lucky, & I want you to come back home."
I survived Hurricane Ryder!
5 Knicker Melting Stars, Yes knicker melting (I'm English).
Lucky Strike is a Hot, Steamy, Sexy & Adorable Friends to Lovers read, just what I like.
Ryder & Nadine becomes friends on the first day of school at age 5, when Nadine & best friend Lucy catch Ryder & Brian (Double Trouble) looking up girls skirts in the playground.
"Love at first slap."
“Stop following me!” He ran in front of me, stopping me in my tracks. “I'm sorry for trying to look up your dress, which is very pretty by the way. Clovers are my favourite. Can we be friends?” I remembered what Nanny Doreen told me about being nice and he did say he was sorry. “Okay, I guess we can be friends.” He leaned in and planted a big slobbery gross kiss on my cheek. “See you tomorrow, Lucky Clover.” Before I could hit him for kissing me, he ran out the door. I found Nanny Doreen waiting for me outside by the car. “Hello, Miss Nadine. How was your first day of school?” “It was good. Oh, my name isn't Nadine any more,” I say, climbing into the back seat. “Oh really? What’s your name?” “Lucky.”
We saw that Ryder & Lucky had one night together in the first book, The Big Gamble (I would recommend you read this first) but with Lucky's history hanging over her she runs leaving Ryder heartbroken.
"I will always love you lucky"
What Ryder does to get her back really made me fall in love with him more. His desire to get back his one and only true love and the determination he showed was amazing. He is an all Alpha Male arrogant at times, but when it comes to Lucky you see a whole other side to Ryder which balances him out perfectly.
"You're my girl, Lucky. You have been since that day on the play ground, and you'll always be mine. My lucky strike. My lucky clover. My Lucky."
This book gives you everything it states a sassy lady, sexy bad boy cop,hot steamy nights and a group of best friends that are there to support and kick asses when needed. I loved that the extra characters are just as engaging as the main, which doesn't always happen in other books I've read. The continuation of Brian and Brooke through snippets here and there, as well as getting closer to Lucy, Hunter, Hank, Nora & Dylan and looking forward to what could happen in their future, So many possibility's.
I would most definitely recommend reading The Big Gamble first even though Lucky Strike could be read as a Standalone and because it is equally amazing. Also because reading Lucky Strike would present a few spoilers from the first novel and who wants to have such an amazing story spoiled? And you would get the full experience that this series can offer.
All that's left to say is bring on HANK !!!!

M. Andrews has always had a passion for writing. She started out writing short stories and fan fiction as a way to give the voices in her head an outlet. She took the leap into writing books when she found herself living in a new city, giving her the opportunity to finally live out her dream of being a writer.
Sounds good :D I am glad they finally end up together