Thursday, 31 May 2018

Release Blitz & REVIEW ~ Often (Iron Orchids #4) by Danielle Norman


Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations… He wore suits and I wore biker boots. He went to university and I went to trade school. He lived in a big home and I lived in a tiny apartment. When my world was turned upside down, he took me in his arms and promised to help me find a new direction. Now I’ve lost my job, been separated from my friends, and any day an eviction notice was bound to show up. Unfortunately, my journey was tougher than he had imagined. When nothing goes right, look who’s left.


Often by Danielle Norman is the fourth book in the Wild Orchids series. Each book can be read as standalone's but i would recommend reading the books in order. To have a much better understanding of the couples mentioned in these books.

Opposites attract and that is most definitely the case with Leo and Ian. Leo - Leonora is a Motorbike Mechanic, she's comes across as a sassy, tough tomboy. And Ian is a suit wearing (in Leo's eyes a high class) rocket scientist. On paper they seem poles apart, the only thing they have in common is the love and closeness of Ian's family.

Underneath Leo's tomboy look, is really a girl just wanting to be loved. And if that love could come from her childhood crush Ian, Leo would be one happy woman.

It seems that Leo has been apart of the Christakos family always. Ian has always loved that Leo was different from other girls but as the years have gone on Ian has started to see Leo differently, she a strong, independent woman. But when Ian see's Leo at a family wedding he really SEE'S, Leo!!

Just as Leo beginning to think there could be more happening between her and Ian. Leo's world turns upside down, someone is trying to frame her. Being the cause of motorbike accidents that have happened to the local police force. Throw in, Ian being chased by his secretary and her causing problems for Leo. 

Things get so bad that Leo isn’t even allowed to see her friends while the police investigation continues. Causing Leo to feel the most isolated she has ever felt. Can Ian be there for her every step of the way and in Leo's eyes why would he!!

  This story is a great story of family, friendship, love, passion and throw in a little angst and a whole lot of family fun. I've liked all the characters in this series and have been looking forward to how Leo's story would go. Leo and Ian might not have seemed perfect for each other but they made sense. I liked watching them come together, it was wonderful to see how Ian saw Leo's beauty and worth. Overall, this was a great addition to this series and would have happily kept reading in the Ian and Leo bubble.

Loved this quote 
“Wow, I guess that Viagra is really working for you because you seem like twice the dick you were last time. But, keep this in mind, maybe your woman stays in the kitchen because you have no clue what to do with her in the bedroom.”

About Danielle
Before becoming a romance writer, Danielle was a body double for Heidi Klum and a backup singer for Adele. Now, she spends her days trying to play keep away from Theo James, who won't stop calling her or asking her out. And all of this happens before she wakes up and faces reality where in fact she is a 50-something mom with grown kids. She's been married longer than Theo's been alive, and she now gets her kicks riding a Harley. As far as her body, she can thank Ben & Jerry's for that, as well as gravity and vodka. But she says that she could never be Adele's backup since she never stops saying the F-word long enough to actually sing. Danielle writes about kickass women with even better shoes and the men that try to tame them (silly, silly men).

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