Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Release Blitz - Grace by Dee Palmer

Title: Grace
Series: Disgrace Trilogy #3
Author: Dee Palmer
Genre: Erotic Romance
Release Date: January 24, 2017


Surprise is the understatement of the year and it hits Sam and Jason like a freight train.

Rocked and shocked, Sam needs to determine if this is a really good surprise, because as much as she loves Jason, any future they may have together could be doomed if he’s not 100 percent all-in. She can’t afford to settle for anything less since there’s so much at stake now.

Jason Sinclair will stop at nothing to protect the woman he loves and keep her safe and shielded when ghosts of her brutal past rear their ugly head.

Truth is the biggest challenge these two face when confronted with the future, a truth in which Jason made his position crystal clear on. Will he test this hard limit to the point of destroying what is between them? Or will he save them both?

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“You shouldn’t be here. You need to leave.” I break the kiss and push away as much as his weight will allow. My legs scissor trying to close. He pauses for a moment, searching my eyes, my tone is serious and my face even more so, but if he looks hard enough he can see the fire in my eyes. This is a very fine line I am leading him along and it is only that I trust him with my soul that I feel safe enough to play with that fire, a fire his eyes now recognise.

“Make me.” He growls.

It’s like a touch paper being lit and I explode beneath him. The force of the move and sharp twist in my body takes him by surprise and I manage to scramble out from under his body and slip to the edge of the bed. His hand wraps around my ankle and he swiftly drags me back across the sheet, planting a sound slap on my arse cheek and laughing out at my futile attempt to escape. Oh I’m mad now. I kick my legs and once again I am free. This time, I’m quick and leap from the bed and race toward the bathroom. I only make it two strides across the room, he’s like my shadow, instantly at my back. He grabs my arm and spins me into his chest, stepping me hard and fast against the wall. I grunt out breathless at the impact and he steps back and freezes, his hands held up in surrender.

Not what I was expecting in the cat and mouse game of rough resistance play.

“I can’t Sam.” His broken tone and soft words slice me. He shakes his head and steps up to me softening the rejection that must be plastered on my face. “Not because I don’t want to…fuck look how much I want to.” His eyes dip and mine follow his line of sight to the most painful looking erection straining against his abdomen. “You are the fucking sexiest woman alive but I can’t play this game…not right now. What if I hurt you?” His questions feels rhetorical and sounds like a plea.

“You hurt me all the time Jason…I like it, remember?” I can’t hide the hurt and humiliation. My words are fired with a snarl, my tone harsh and hateful. He doesn’t flinch but steps flush against my heaving body, adrenalin and desire still coursing though me despite his shut down.

“This is different and you know it.” He states calmly but his position implacable. “I want to try this…I get it, I do, but this could get very rough and I am not prepared to risk my baby.” Shit now I feel worse. I deflate in his arms, what’s wrong with me? He pulls me into his warm embrace and I crumple in his arms.

“I didn’t think…I just…” I falter my guilt wrestling with my shame and rendering me speechless.

“That’s what I’m for…we’re in this together Sam and I wasn’t thinking either or I wouldn’t have started. This wasn’t exactly covered in your ‘list’ at the doctors but I’m pretty sure he would’ve said no.” He brushes the fallen hair from my face, his fingers sweep my cheek and he holds my face so we he is gazing unobstructed into my eyes. “You’re strong Sam but really you don’t stand a chance against me.”

“Oh really we’ll see about that.” I let out a light laugh at his wry smile. His teasing tone enough to bring me back to my senses without a shred of blame.

“In about nine months.” He wiggles his brows playfully and I let my head drop on to his chest and smile against his warm skin.

“In eight and a bit months.” I mutter and look up to him looking down. My breath catches at the depth of love in his gaze. He bends and scoops me into his arms, turning and walking back across the room, he unceremoniously dumps me on to the bed.

“We will rain check that new game but for now I’m going to go old school and just fuck your brains out.” His voice is low and sensual. The bed dips as he stalks up my body, such desire and adoration in his eyes any trace of rejection is obliterated with that completely covetous look scorching my skin as it travels the length of my reclining body.

“I like the sound of that.” I exhale and sigh at the same time.

“Not sure all the other guests will share your view though beautiful, so maybe keep the screaming down.” He quips.

“I thought you liked it when I screamed your name.” I suck my bottom lip in and let my most wicked grin split my lips and pull them wide.

“I do.” He hesitates but his expression is troubled, it takes a moment to sink in.

“Your mum…don’t tell me she’s a light sleeper?” I get a nervous knot in my stomach and I wonder if his mother is actually the Queen of bloody England. I really wish I had met her before because this pedestal her boys have placed her on makes my neck strain.

“She wouldn’t have to be a light sleeper Sam, you scream like a banshee.” He teases and settles kneeling between my legs. His heavy cock in his hand, resting the tip at the apex of my thighs, tapping a hypnotic rhythm.

“Fine, I won’t scream.” My mouth waters at the sight.

“I could gag you.” He offers and I smile sweetly.

“You could try.” I purr.

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Author Bio

Dee Palmer hates talking about herself in the third person so I won't. My husband had my iPod engraved one Christmas with 'sing like no-one's listening' and I know my family actually wish they weren't listening because I am, in fact, tone deaf but it doesn't stop me and this gentle support has enabled me to fulfill a dream. This has been a truly brilliant experience. Amazon Best seller in Erotic Romance category and short listed for Erotic Author Guild Best Breakthrough Author and Best Series for The Choices Trilogy in's been a pretty fantastic first year!

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