Sunday, 19 June 2016

AAD Guest Blog: Christine Alvarez


Hidday Ho.
I’m Author Christine Alvarez. What I tell everyone is I write books, but I guess being a featured Author at AAD ya’ll know that by now.
So, let’s get down to it. For those who have never read me I write Paranormal Romance with a pit stop in the land of Mystery, Erotic Horror (pain, pleasure and blood), and last but surely not least M/M Erotic Romance.
I am a genre hopper which means you all may see a few new genres added to the mix by the end of the year. It sates the voices in my head which never seem to agree on who, what where or when they want to be.
I’ve also been described to write assholes. Is that okay to say? Anywho, for some reason every man I write tends to be a jerk almost 100%. Unless it’s my PNR’s those books have some nice guys. That genre seems to be where my nice guys crop up in. Oh, oh and before I forget and start going on about where I will be at AAD, please ask me anything whenever you see me during AAD. Certain people talk, say things like I kill people, mention bloody or dismemberment. Not lies, but the descriptions sound way worse when told by others, lol.
Okay, let’s get down to the meat of this thing. AAD. I’ll be there with my books, swag and cute self to boot. I’ll be pretty much everywhere. Let’s see, lord where is my 2nd brain when I need her. I have ADD and zero planning skills so I shoot my itinerary to my assistant and pray she brings a cattle prod with her.
I get in Wednesday with the husbutt. If anyone doesn’t know him he’ll be the one avoiding us all like the plague, lol. But, you can tease him and watch him squirm during set up times. Since, he shall be my minion, muahahahaha. Okay, I’m off track, back to business.
I will be roaming the Welcome Event for sure. Nothing sponsored, but find me. I’ll be sure to have a little something for you to remember me by. Thursday, I have a panel. Not sure the time but make sure you find a chair at the LGBT panel. I have three books that delve into the land of sexual freedom.
Then to quickly, because this intro to me is becoming LONNNGGG, tell you where else to find me. The tattoo room. I have a 3hr session with Voodoo and food and or witty banter from 12-3 on Thursday is always accepted.
I’ve also decided to partake in the New Release Event. I will have TWO new releases, but will be featuring the final book in The Elektita Series for this particular event. I will also be making an appearance at the Diesel Punk cruise in costume.
Friday is when all hell breaks loose for me. I have breakfast with a handful of amazing authors at 830 a.m. That is freaking early, but I swear you don’t want to miss it. Goodies, raffles, and me in my Cheshire cat pajamas sitting on peoples lap. Unless you tell me no, I’m good at respecting boundaries. Then we have the HEA lunch, I have a few seats left so grab you one. Then Literary Tea at 3. Their will more than likely be goodies and shenanigans.
Then, the Saturday signing. I have a table full, I mean no space for shit, table full of swag. Along with special treats that come with BOOKS. The entire reason we are doing this event. Readers and Books. After the signing find me, we’ll do lunch, maybe get a drink or two. I also have a Signature drink that will be available at all meals where a cash bar is set up. Then, we’re off to the Fantasy Ball, my table is full, BUT, when people start to mingle make sure to track me down. I have made up so golden drink tickets and may just have a few left.

So, I guess we’ve come to the end of my story. Long as it appears, but I am so stoked for this event and well, I’ve been up since 4 a.m. writing this thing. Happy Reading. I must be off, I have a book to finish. Peace, Love and Acceptance. xoxoxo

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