Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Release Day & Review - Whiskey, Whiskey Sour series #1 by Krissy V

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Author: Krissy V
Series: Book 1 in the Whiskey Sour series
Genre: Dark Erotic Romance
Release Date: August 2, 2016
Cover Design by: Steam Power Studio

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Blurb banner whiskey
Follow Whiskey’s harrowing story, as she embarks on her own journey to become the ‘Owner’ and namesake of ‘Whiskey Sour’ When Whiskey runs away from home, she has no idea what her future holds. She experiences things that only nightmares are made of. Fed up of running away from everything, she decides to stand up and be counted. Her philosophy is ‘What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!’ Whiskey Sour is her salvation and it too, becomes a haven for women who like her, needed rescuing from their tragic pasts. Whiskey soon becomes not only a mentor, but a trusted confidant to her burlesque protégés... Sawyer Callahan meets Whiskey one night... That’s all it takes for him to fall for this sassy, beautiful, sexy woman. What lengths will he go to to find her? Will he find her in time? ...And, will she want him if he does? WARNING: Due to sexual situations and adult content, this dark romance thriller series is not intended for readers under the age of 18, and anyone who is unable to read books containing, kidnapping, murder, rape, and extreme abuse. **  


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Order Now at 99 cents price will be going up August 5th 

This is my first Krissy V read but certainly won't be my last!! I enjoyed her style of writing which was set at a good pace and flowed beautifully. This read left me on the edge of my seat not wanting to put it down. Like the warning said, this is not for the faint hearted so if your looking for a read that's just All hearts and roses then this isn't for you due to some of the subjects and harrowing scenes. But if like me you love a great Dark read you won't be disappointed in Whiskey and Sawyer's story.
Whiskey leaves home from Manchester hoping to make a new life in London. But real life isn't a fairy tale with no where to stay and with little money your options are limited. This finds her staying at a hostel looking for work but all she manages to find is a job in a back street cafe. With needing more money than what she's earning at the cafe her friend Tilda tells her about an escorting job. Everything seems to be going good for Whiskey she's comfortable in what she's doing. This is where Sawyer comes in he's the CEO of the Callahan group of Nightclubs and we get mixed emotions both feeling that insta-love attraction. 

Even though Whiskey has mixed emotions she continues escorting accepting a job with Christopher, this where her life Dramatically changes!! This part of the book is dark, gripping and quite emotional to read but superbly written. I'm not going to go into much more detail as i don't want to spoil this gritty and intense read. So will Sawyer save Whiskey and reach her in time ? Can he be her Knight in shinning amour?? You'll just have to read and find out.....   

I have thoroughly enjoyed this read and can't wait for more in this series from Krissy V.

**ARC Gratefully Received for an Honest Review** 

Excerpt Whiskey small banner
I just shake my head, I don’t want to get into this here. “Don’t Sawyer, please.” “I don’t understand. I thought …. I thought we had a connection, something more than that!” Christopher starts to laugh. He grabs me by my waist and pulls me closer to him. “You thought she had feelings for you … didn’t you? You are a complete fool, taken in by a bit of pussy. I am going to live on this one for weeks.” I can’t believe he is being so cruel to Sawyer, did he really have feelings for me? I look at him and beg him with my eyes to help me. Then I look back at the floor and ignore everyone. Christopher is still talking to Sawyer, “I think it’s time to leave this party, Whiskey. Although I’m having so much fun, I think I would much prefer to sink my cock in your pussy.” He pulls me to turn and start walking off. Sawyer reaches out and pulls me away from Christopher and then he punches him in the face. I scream, Tilda screams and the bouncers come running. “Excuse me gentlemen, can you please sort out your differences outside.” “Don’t worry WE were just leaving.” Christopher takes my hand and drags me to the lift, which just happens to be free and as soon as he is inside he slams his fist into the button, the door closes as I see Sawyer coming towards it. “Well that was a really interesting night Whiskey. Your pussy has had a lot of attention tonight and I haven’t even started with you.” “I’m not going to sleep with you Christopher.” “Yes, you are!” “No, I don’t have to, it’s my prerogative.” I cross my arms. He pushes me against the back of the lift, and grabs my chin to hold it in place. “You’re prerogative went out of the window sweetheart when I found out you slept with HIM. Whore!” He tries to kiss me, I bite his lip, It only seems to turn him on more. I try to push him off me, “Get off me Christopher.” He starts laughing like a maniac and I start to get really scared. All the customers are vetted by Kings X Companions so we don’t come across any weirdo’s – I wonder how he slipped though the net. I can’t wait to speak to Marcia ? tomorrow and make sure he can’t hire anyone else. “I’ll find my own way home,” I say as we get out of the lift. I try pulling my arm away from him. “You’re very funny! I paid for company for tonight, I haven’t even started yet. Then I want to see you being a whore and only then will I think about letting you go home. Only think about it mind you.” I can hear myself screaming at him. “You’re a fucking psycho Christopher. If I don’t go home, then Tilda will know who I’m with. She knows I don’t want to go home with you already, so she WILL be watching out for me.” “Shut up, bitch.” He drags me to a waiting car. I start to feel a bit sick and dizzy. He opens the door and pushes me inside. “What the fuck man?” Some guy says as he gets in beside me and slams his door. “Sorry, there was an opportunity and I took it. She won’t remember you don’t worry. I slipped something in her drink earlier. Should give us time to get her to the farm.” “But C, we didn’t agree to this. We talked about it, fantasised about it, but we never agreed to it.” “Stop moaning and man up T. This is happening and it’s happening now.” His voice is getting really slurry, I can’t quite make out what he is saying. I close my eyes, I feel so tired. I don’t want to be here. I want to be tucked up at home in my own bed. I can’t hear him talking anymore … it’s dark …

what people are saying about Whiskey

Here's a Taste of the Whiskey Sour Series

The Sweet Girls of Whiskey Sour

‘Where the girls are sweet, but their dancing is not!’

Whiskey Sour is an unusual place for such a diverse group of women to meet. It is a very classy burlesque club in London’s Soho! You will find the most amazing women whose dancing is sensual, sexual and beautiful. Each of them have their own style and their very own story to tell. You are invited to come along and meet each of the ‘Sweet Girls of Whiskey Sour’ and find out the journeys they have been on to become the women that they are now.


She comes from the school of hard knocks. She is a sassy, headstrong woman, who becomes a mentor and confidante to her burlesque dancing protégés... However, she battles with her own secrets, which she has buried forever. Fed up of running away from everything, she decides to stand up and be counted. Her philosophy is “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!” Whiskey Sour is her salvation and it soon becomes a refuge for women who need rescuing from one nightmare or another.


She is an elegant, classically trained ballet dancer and has the potential to become a ‘Prima Ballerina’. After completing a World tour she finds that has been betrayed by the one person she loved the most. She starts her life all over again... After a chance meeting with Whiskey, she becomes Whiskey Sour’s favourite girl.


Pinkie is a self-confessed ‘Posh bit of totty’. She has her own style of dance, dress and attitude. She goes through hell with her family to find her little bit of happiness. Pinkie will turn any man on and when Whiskey sees her dancing in Whiskey Sour one night, everything changes.  


Betsey’s convinced she was born in the wrong decade. She spent her young life watching wartime movies, wanting to be like all the ‘beautifully chic’ leading ladies... So now she is... She is 1950’s all day … every day. It’s her life! She sees many ugly things at work, but she all she wants to do is to embrace the real her. One day she meets a young man who will change her life completely. ‘Whiskey Sour’ becomes her home, where she can finally be accepted for her quirkiness.


Streetwise Blue is a hip hop dancer who has come from dancing on the streets to sleazy clubs... Her brothers best friend has always protected her and one night he rescues her from an over amorous punter and changes her life. Now, she works in the safe surroundings of Whiskey Sour. She is quite young, very innocent and Whiskey sees a chance to have the family she has always wanted.


An ‘A’ student who moves to London to study as a lawyer. She has to work to pay for her studies. While out at a club one night, Whiskey approaches her after seeing her captivating dancing. She offers Zephyr an opportunity, which changes her life … in more ways than one...


She is the newest member of the Whiskey Sour troupe. She was always a dreamer and at sixteen she ran away from home to join the circus. With them she lived and breathed performing, travelling the world until tragedy strikes causing her life to change, drastically. When she is introduced to Betsey, her life starts to swing in the right direction.

About Krissy V Banner

I am a mother to two young children, who in turn keep me young. I live in Dublin, Ireland but, I’m originally from South Devon in the UK. I work full time in a pharmacy and write in all my spare time: in my lunch hour, when watching TV at night and anywhere. I have always been interested in reading from a young age and then 2 years ago I was given a kindle as a present and it was the best thing that happened to me. I was able to read lots of books every week and then I started to write reviews for all the books I read. I took this one step further and started my own facebook page – Sparkling Pink Bookshelf. I intended to upload all of my reviews for the books I read. This was purely for pleasure and then I answered a post on Facebook for someone to read for reviews and thought I had died and gone to heaven. I was reading about 7/8 books a week, the kindle made this achievable. I would read at any opportunity I could, even staying up til the small hours to finish a book. I loved it. Then one day I was asked to beta read a book – I loved this side of it, it was so exciting. I have worked with a number of indie authors and have remained loyal to a few select authors and I beta read all their After a year or more of doing this, I thought maybe I could write some of the stories that were in my head and I just decided to write and see what happened. I wrote about 70% of a story and then saw a post for the NaNoWriMo competition – to write 50,000 words in 30 days, I decided that this was a challenge I wanted to take and the Til Death Us Do Part series was born. I am always thinking of situations that can be turned into a story and have started a few stories, which in turn will be completed and released to my readers. I love to hear what my readers have to say about my work and please find my links below. Thank you for your support and I hope you enjoy this series of books as much as I enjoyed writing them.

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